Recipe of Quick Tuna Fish, Lentils and Peach Salad

Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe page, if you’re looking for Tuna Fish, Lentils and Peach Salad recipe, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Tuna Fish, Lentils and Peach Salad recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Before you jump to Tuna Fish, Lentils and Peach Salad recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Your State Of Health Can Be Impacted By The Foods You Choose To Consume.

When it comes to the foods that you eat, you will notice that your overall health can be effected either positively or perhaps negatively. You should also realize that there are foods that you will need to avoid at all costs and that would be almost all food you find at the fast food chain restaurants. You will notice that the nutrition in these varieties of is non existent and the unwanted side effects can be very bad. On this page we are going to be going over foods that you ought to be eating that can help you stay healthy and balanced.

Citrus fruit will be one of the better things that you might have for your desserts, as opposed to having a piece of cake or even ice cream. All the nutrition in citrus fruit, including vitamin C, are in addition necessary for preserving your health. One desert that I have always loved is orange pieces mixed together with shredded coconut and mixed together with a gentle honey dressing.

For those of you who want to begin living a much healthier life the tips above are able to help you do that. The pre packaged processed foods that you can get in any store is also not good for you and alternatively you should be cooking fresh nutritious foods.

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We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to tuna fish, lentils and peach salad recipe. You can have tuna fish, lentils and peach salad using 12 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to cook Tuna Fish, Lentils and Peach Salad:

  1. Take 6 tablespoon of (canned) lentils.
  2. Get 1 tablespoon of roasted kumin.
  3. Take 1 tablespoon of roasted linseeds.
  4. Get 1 of apricot.
  5. Take 2 tablespoon of dried peach.
  6. Provide 2 tablespoon of green olives.
  7. Prepare 2 tablespoon of brined jalapeno.
  8. Use 1/3 cup of green salad mix.
  9. Prepare 2 tablespoon of cashew.
  10. Prepare 3 tablespoon of toast.
  11. Use 2 tablespoon of fried onion.
  12. You need 2 can of tuna fish.

Instructions to make Tuna Fish, Lentils and Peach Salad:

  1. Roast the seeds and the cumins for some minutes..
  2. Chop the vegetables.
  3. Mix and enjoy.

Lentils and tuna are a wonderful combination This mixture also makes a great stuffing for tomatoes. Today I eat tuna salad, peach salad. Secret to a great lentil salad – cook lentils in a simple flavoured broth or marinate canned lentils. Sprinkle with feta, drizzle with lemon salad dressing! Not just another lentil salad….this is Can't-Stop-Eating-It delish.

If you find this Tuna Fish, Lentils and Peach Salad recipe valuable please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.